Thursday, January 28, 2010


I figured I would post something on this dying blog.

I'm cycling off of P90X officially now. I'm gonna focus on gaining weight again. P90X made me lose more weight than I would've like to have lost.

My bro-in-law and I are actually renewing our Weight Gain contest once again this year. You can follow it here if you like:

I plan on doing similar routines found in P90X but with lower reps - higher weights - and less cardio. I'll continue doing Yoga once a week. I still love it - despite it kicking my butt.

Who knows - I might post my final P90X test results some time.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

P90X Graduate! (sorta)

I have "basically" finished P90X.

The last phase was a beast to complete. I was on schedule to finish the program in about 3.5 months - but I hit a minor setback: Full body hives.

With about 2 weeks left I got a minor sore throat. After 5 days of pain I decided to go to the doctor. Turned out that I had streph - so I was prescribed amoxicillin (sp?). I was to take it for 10 days. After 5 days I was starting to feel great. On the morning of day 6 I noticed strange bumps on my arm. After getting out of the shower I noticed those bumps were ALL OVER my body. Turns out I am allergic to penicillin.

The doctor said the hives would naturally go away and I was given anti-itching creams and drugs (both didn't help that much) and was instructed not to do anything that would cause me to sweat. The end of the P90X journey was delayed once again.

After about 1.5 weeks the hives started to fade - the itching subsided - and I took up P90X once again. It is amazing how weak your body can get after not exercising for even a short amount of time. My reps on pushups and pullups fell a bit - but on week two I was back to my last high rep marks.

I have yet to take the post P90X test. It will be interesting to see how far I've progressed. I do know that I've lost about 10-15 lbs since starting. I'm probably more flexible too - although yoga is still a beast to get through.

I'll post my post program results soon.

Hope you enjoyed my poor grammar and the amazing photo of my have infested back.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Phase 2 Complete!

Phase 2 is finally complete! Yes - it took me 5 weeks to complete it... but so did Phase 1.

The most difficult thing to do was doing the routines while traveling. I found that I've done it enough that I didn't need the DVD's to lead me. It wasn't perfect - but it got the job done.

I'm almost down to the weight I was at before I did my weight gaining competition last year. I'm gonna have to figure out a way to put more good weight back on me during Phase 3.

Time to take my day 60 pictures (I forgot to take them after 30 days).

Monday, August 17, 2009

Phase 1 Complete!

I officially start Phase 2 this week. Here are a few thoughts on Phase 1.

1. I lost 7 lbs.! I knew this was going to happen. P90X is very aerobic - and you burn a TON of calories each workout. I think I might have to adjust my diet into the "Eat crap every 2 hours diet" so that I don't disappear.
2. Everybody wants to try P90X. I'm not sure about you, but whenever I tell someone I'm doing P90X they ask me for a copy. I have yet to see the infomercial on it - but I'm guessing it's the best infomercial ever made - since everyone wants to try it out.
3. I need new gym shorts.

That is all.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Week 2 complete - sorta

Well I should've finished week 2 last week - but the holiday, picnic with friends and having kid duty really killed the daily routine. It will be tough to keep up a 6 days a week schedule.

Here are a few things I learned in Week 2 (technically Week 1.5):

1. P90X is much easier in the evening (for me): I've been trying to wake up early to do the workout before I start my day - but I've only successfully done that once. The aerobic nature of the program doesn't mix well with early mornings. I do much better at night.

2. Plyometrics is still a killer: After only finishing half of the program in the first week (see my previous post about corn dogs) I was able to do the entire plyo workout in week 2. I wanted to die halfway through - but I think I caught my second wind and I also did a better job of pacing myself (see #3)

3. Pace yourself: Especially in plyometrics. Every movement in plyo saps your energy pretty quickly - so be sure to save some energy for the second set. I did a horrible job of doing that the first week. I did much better of doing about 80% effort on the 1st set (that still killed) - then giving as much as I could the second set. I liked this much better than giving it all I had in the 1st set - then trying not to puke during the 2nd.

4. Yoga is still a killer: Yoga was still insanely hard the second time through. That being said - I did notice gains on my flexibility. Hopefully I'll be able to touch my toes by the end of the entire P90X schedule.

That's it for week 2 (really 1.5).

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Fitness Test. This is the initial test you take before you begin the P90X program. The test helps you benchmark your starting point, and gives you a chance to monitor your progress along the way, as you repeat the test at the 30, 60, and 90 day marks. Included in this is also your starting weight, and your measurements. Here is my chart, for all the world to see :-).

TestStartDay 30Day 60Day 90Total Delta
Body Fat22.6%







Fitness Test-------------------------
Pull Ups2

Vertical Leap15.5"


Quarter Mile71 sec

Toe Touch-2"

Wall Squat88 sec

Bicep Curls12 @ 30lb

In & Outs28

A few notes on this... Dips and the quarter mile are not part of the P90X fitness test. I added them because I love doing dips on my tower, and I want to rock that over the next 3 months. I also used to be a distance runner, but I have never worked on my short game before. I am a scout leader, and we make the boys do push ups and run the quarter mile as part of their tenderfoot rank, so I figured I needed to lead by example. I am going to work on taking 6 seconds off that time over the next 90 days.

For the body fat figures, I went and did an underwater body composition test, the most accurate way of determining your fat percentage. I won't do that test every 30 days, because it costs $20 each time, but I will do it at the end, and my goal is to get it down to 15%. I also added a neck measurement, as that is my most annoying piece of fatness next to my gut, I wanna see that number drop at least 2 inches.

So there's the numbers! Let the teasing and harassing begin!

Monday, July 20, 2009

My P90X Gear

I had the fortunate advantage of having some pretty nice gear before this thing started. Over a year ago, I treated myself to some nice equipment for my birthday, but I haven't used it as much as I'd like to have. I plan on getting my money's worth out of it all over the next three months, and I hope it will really give me an edge during these workouts.

Gold's Gym Power Tower. For a workout system that relies so heavily on pull ups, I am dang glad I have this rig. Most mortals cannot do any pull ups, and so the training sessions show you how to use a chair to assist yourself in those exercises. This tower has a "cheater bar" that lets you make yourself lighter by adding or removing resistance bands. Kneel on the padded platform, and suddenly you can do pull ups! I have figured 7 different configurations for the assisted weight, and I will start out at maximum assistance, and over the 90 days, work towards zero assistance. So in my test sessions, I have been doing 8 to 12 reps on the various pull ups, I am sure that number will drop each time I remove a resistance band. But I think it will be a great way to build strength quickly. Added bonuses, are the various grips for doing the different pull up positions, as well as pushup grips built into the feet to allow for super deep pushups. This tower is also designed for doing Dips, which I will be incorporating into my workouts as well. I love dips and can't wait to be able to do like 30 of them on my own. There are several other exercises this tower offers, I am sure I will find many more ways to incorporate this equipment into my training.

Gold's Gym Adjustable Dumbells. These are awesome. Weights can be a very expensive investment, if you want a large enough set to accommodate a lot of exercises. With these adjustable weights, one set of bells gives you options from 5 or 10 pounds, up to 50. Easy switching, and a handy-dandy stand make them very convenient. They are a tad bulky, and I wouldn't use them as pushup grips like you can do with fixed dumbells, but I really like them.

Gold's Gym Stayball. Bought last year sorta as a joke, this is actually a very useful and affordable piece of equipment. Instead of doing decline pushups on a chair, I have done them for the past year or so on this ball. Feet on the ball, doing pushups without falling off of it really works your core. I am certain I will find lots of uses for this bad boy, and it makes a great chair too. Sit on this thing all day, and get an ongoing workout!

Finally, I have a generic weight bench. Found this just last week at a yard sale for $5, at least it looks sorta like this. I will use this instead of a chair on most exercises, and again, hope to incorporate it into a lot of the exercises we do. I have wanted one for the longest time, so it was great to score one off a fat guy that never used it. (There is a LOT of great fitness equipment at yard sales by the way.... as people get tired of hanging dirty laundry on them!)

So that's my gym. Lots of good stuff. I hope to use the heck out of it. I suspect we'll need to change the carpet in the basement after 13 weeks of sweat soaking into it. And I just realized something, for a guy who hates Gold's Gym so much, I sure do have a lot of their gear. Hmmm....